The Work Package 1 of our network project European Cultural Heritage Agora (2022-2024), entitled Project Management and Coordination, intends to ensure a sound monitoring of the project, both technically and financially, to guarantee an effective and timely implementation of activities and production of deliverables.
Project Implementation Team
The Project Implementation Team is composed of the staff members of Europa Nostra responsible for leading each Work Package as well as the financial administrator. It is chaired and supervised by the project coordinator in consultation with the project manager.
It is a day-to-day management team closely following the project’s progress, its cost effectiveness and risk management. It evaluates the project on a yearly-basis and produces a related report, both for the Monitoring & Advisory Committee and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency.
Monitoring & Advisory Committee
The Monitoring & Advisory Committee is composed of members from Europa Nostra’s governing bodies chosen according to their expertise, experience and network. The Committee oversees the work of the Project Implementation Team, provides advice and guidance on (financial) management issues, and approves the evaluation reports.