Europa Nostra Agora launched

As the unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak is impacting the entire world economy and society, the cultural and cultural heritage sectors are particularly affected due to travel bans or limitations, public closures and event cancellations with alarming financial implications (both short and long term) and a prevailing uncertainty about the future. Even the survival of smaller and non subsidised organisations is at serious risk. Cultural heritage stakeholders are nevertheless turning challenges into opportunities. Plenty of museums and cultural organisations have seized this occasion to re-engage with their audiences and reach new ones through creative and innovative digital solutions – such as free online content, social media challenges, online concerts or webinars.

Today so many citizens and organisations are learning and adapting – in such a quick pace – to live, work, learn and communicate in a different way, often from home and in self-isolation. All these creative digital initiatives contribute to a better understanding of our shared history and heritage and foster the sense of togetherness and the value of solidarity, both much needed in these extremely trying times.

At Europa Nostra, we want to respond to this unprecedented challenge and related change to our lives by encouraging citizens, civil society organisations and so many cultural (heritage) operators to connect, interact and learn from one another across various types of borders and barriers.

This is why we are launching the Europa Nostra Agora: a virtual platform to share and promote digital best practices related to culture and cultural heritage from across Europe and the world. By joining forces through creative and innovative solutions, we shall give more visibility and understanding of Europe’s “Unity in Diversity” while advancing the digital shift and optimising people’s confinement time. By sharing and promoting news and content, we wish to make a modest but meaningful contribution to enhancing the mental health of citizens during the trying times of the COVID 19 pandemic.

Therefore, we call on our wide network of members, associates, partners, and volunteers to share with us their virtual interactions and journeys celebrating the richness, beauty and variety of Europe’s shared heritage as well as promoting a respectful dialogue between cultures, communities and citizens across the Globe.

We especially count on the strong involvement and creative contributions of our ever-growing network of young members who are professionals, students or volunteers in the heritage sector and are engaged in its safeguard for present and future generations.

Europa Nostra will collect and promote all of the initiatives via:

    1. Social media (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) with the hashtag #EuropaNostraAgora
    2. Weekly newsletter compiling the contributions received (do not forget to subscribe here)
    3. Europa Nostra Digital Agora online platform

If you would like to contribute, please send detailed information about your initiative to including a.o. the following elements:

  • Short description
  • Objectives
  • Target audience(s)
  • Initiating organisation & partners (if applicable)
  • Scale (European, national, local)
  • Website & social media

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