Europa Nostra’s Executive President addresses open letter to World Heritage Committee regarding Roșia Montană

On the occasion of the 42nd session of the World Heritage Committee, taking place from 24 June to 4 July in Manama, Bahrain, the Executive President of Europa Nostra, Prof. Dr. Hermann Parzinger, has addressed an open letter to the heads of the country delegations of the committee members regarding the mining site of Roșia Montană in Romania.

In this letter, Prof. Dr. Parzinger expresses Europa Nostra’s full support of ICOMOS’ recommendation to inscribe Roșia Montană both on the World Heritage List and on the List of World Heritage in Danger, a proposal due to be discussed by the World Heritage Committee on 30 June.

Europa Nostra is represented as an NGO at the World Heritage Committee meeting by Dr. Claus-Peter Echter. It is intended to request from the Chair of the Committee, Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa of Bahrain, to give Dr. Claus-Peter Echter the floor during the discussion on the nomination of Roșia Montană, in order that he can convey the view of Europa Nostra to the distinguished members of the World Heritage Committee and to all participants of the 42nd session of this Committee in Bahrain.

The proceedings of the World Heritage Committee can be followed via a live stream on the World Heritage Committee’s website here.

In addition, on 26 June, Prof. Dr. Parzinger addressed a letter to the President of Romania, His Excellency Dr. Klaus Iohannis, also reiterating Europa Nostra’s support for the collaborative conservation and sustainable development of the Roșia Montană mining site.

Europa Nostra has campaigned for a long-term development plan for Rosia Montana for over a decade, which included the site being put in 2013 on its very first list of 7 Most Endangered heritage sites in Europe.

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