Europa Nostra stands by Lebanon, its people and cultural heritage in time of need

One week after the devastating explosion that struck the city of Beirut on 4 August, Europa Nostra, together with over 25 heritage organisations, has signed a Statement of solidarity with Lebanon and support to recover the damaged cultural heritage in Beirut.

Europa Nostra is extremely saddened by the tragic event that hit Lebanon’s capital last week, which has resulted in the loss and injury of many human lives, together with a large-scale material destruction, including severe damage to heritage assets. We send our condolences to all those affected as well as our heartfelt message of strength, resilience and hope.

For this reason and upon the initiative of ALIPH – the International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas, Europa Nostra has joined the international heritage community to support Lebanon, its people and cultural heritage in these challenging times.

In the Joint Statement of solidarity with Lebanon and support to recover the damaged cultural heritage in Beirut, signatories recognise that damaged libraries, museums, and historic buildings in Beirut will require cultural first aid and longer-term recovery interventions. Signatory organisations pledge to do everything possible to contribute to the complete recovery of the cultural heritage that has been damaged by this lethal blast.

The Statement has been signed by over 25 heritage organisations, including among others Europa Nostra, the Global Heritage Fund in the United States, the Institut national du patrimoine in France, the International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas (ALIPH), the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the World Monuments Fund in the United States.

Read here the Statement (in English, French and Arabic) and full list of signatories.

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