2024 ENCATC Congress

The 2024 ENCATC Congress, “Culture that matters: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Futures”, will take place from 18 to 20 September 2024, in Lecce, Italy.

These 3 days will mainly be divided between keynotes speeches, global conversations, policy debates, live members talks and projects showcase. There will also be music performances on each day.

At the end of the second day, on 19 September, participants will be able to join the 2024 ENCATC Research Award Ceremony. This prize is awarded to recently successfully defended doctoral thesis exploring topical issues at stake, that can inform policy making and benefit practitioners in the broad field of culture. The Congress will end on 20 September with cultural study visits from 19:00 to 21:00 (CEST).

In addition, an ENCATC Study Tour will be organised on 21-22 September to discover the Grecìa Salentina (Salentine Greece) area in the province of Lecce. Registration is open until 23 August 2024.

The 2024 ENCATC Congress is organised in partnership with the Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Economia and Scuola Superiore ISUFI of the University of Salento, and Tecnopolis PST.

Registration for the Congress is compulsory, and available on the event website. Early Bird fees are available until 15 July 2024.
Prices differ for ENCATC Member and Non-Member registrations.

ENTACT – the European network on cultural management and policy

Established in 1992, ENTACT represents, advocates, and promotes cultural management and cultural policy education, professionalises the cultural sector to make it sustainable, and creates a platform for discussion and exchange at European and international level. It gathers over 100 members active in the broad field of cultural management and policy.

ENTACT is a member of the European Heritage Alliance, an informal European sectoral platform composed of European or international networks and organisations active in the wider field of cultural heritage.

Find out more

Event website, programme, registrations
ENCATC Research Award
ENCATC Study Tour
European Heritage Alliance

Programme & Registration

Event website