Apply for a Luigi Micheletti Award (European Museum Academy)

The Luigi Micheletti Award is organised by the European Museum Academy in cooperation with the Micheletti Foundation. The Award is now at its 21st edition and it is focused on contemporary European history and its scientific, industrial and social heritage. You may apply if you are a museum of 20th-century history (social, political, military), a museum of science, technology or industry, a science centre, an ecomuseum or an interpretation centre on these subjects.
The application form is available on these websites:

The closing date for applications is 15th October 2015.
The 2016 edition will be held in late Spring at the Museum of the Olive Oil Production in the Greek Island of Lesbos, hosted by the Piraeus Bank Cultural Foundation.
Don’t miss the chance to profit from the visibility and networking opportunities offered to your museum by taking part in the scheme. Hundreds of museums have already done so in the 20 years of activity of the Micheletti Award.
Candidates also have the opportunity of running for the DASA Award, which focuses on themes of the world of work, past, present and future, with special attention given to man with his concerns, needs and abilities.
Watch the Micheletti Award 20th Anniversary video:

“Micheletti Award nominees and winners do this in inspiring and innovative ways, continually pushing the boundaries and reinventing the museum experience thus paving the way for the museum of the future. I would like to wish all of this year’s contestants the best for this competition, and for the future”
Mrs Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Council of Europe’s Deputy Secretary General.