Crowdfunding for Culture
Crowdfunding4Culture is a unique EU initiative exploring the role and impact of crowdfunding for cultural organisations and creative professionals active in Europe.
With more than 600 European platforms and an increasing number of funds raised, crowdfunding has today become a popular method of fundraising for the cultural and creative sectors. But how attractive is crowdfunding for cultural heritage?
In order to map the impact fo crowdfunding for culture, 4 surveys have been launched targeting cultural organisations, crowdfunding platforms, backers, and policy makers.
Help Crowdfunding4Culture find out what works best for culture: Chose the right survey for you and help the EU find out if crowdfunding can benefit or not European heritage!
Are you a heritage organisation? Please take the Creatives survey to share your views on the use of crowdfunding for cultural heritage.
Are you a Policy Maker active in the cultural field? Take the Policy Maker survey and share your policy initiatives on crowdfunding for culture.
Are you a philanthropist or digital giver? Take the Backer survey and share your motivation for donating/investing in cultural heritage
Your views and experiences will…
be used to build a knowledge hub on the use of crowdfunding and provide insights for future policy initiatives on funding for culture in Europe.
Follow crowdfunding4culture on Twitter and Facebook for updates and tips and tricks on using crowdfunding for culture.
Crowdfunding4Culture is part of a pilot project “Crowdfunding for the cultural and creative sectors: kick-starting the cultural economy”, commissioned by the European Commission to IDEA Consult, and its partners consortium European Crowdfunding Network and Ecorys.