CrowdHeritage Launch Event, Athens
The CrowdHeritage project launch event will be the perfect occasion to learn more about the final version of the CrowdHeritage Platform.
Crowdheritage is an open-source platform developed with the contribution of the European Commission under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program. The scope of the platform is to use the power of the crowd in order to improve the metadata quality of digital cultural heritage content stored in Europeana – the European portal for cultural heritage – and in the databases of cultural heritage institutions across Europe. The platform will offer the possibility to cultural heritage institutions and aggregators to design and launch ad-hoc crowdsourcing campaigns for metadata quality improvement with gamification elements and verifiable results.
At the event you will be able to learn more about the platform from its creators and also experience CrowdHeritage directly onsite, in the beautiful setting of the Music Library “Lilian Voudouri” at the Athens Music Hall.
The CrowdHeritage platform has been developed by the National Technical University of Athens in collaboration with the MICHAEL Culture Association and Europeana Foundation – Europa Nostra’s co-members of the European Heritage Alliance 3.3 – the European Fashion Heritage Association and the Ministry of Culture of France.
Please note that you can attend the event upon registration.
Join the CrowdHeritage campaign! Find more information about the campaign on the official website.