Cultural Heritage & AR6: Improving the Treatment of Cultural Heritage in the Next IPCC Assessment Report

La Maison Champs-Elysees
8 rue Jean Goujon, 75008 Paris (near the Grand Palais)

Culture Heritage is both impacted by Climate Change and a source of Resiliency, but the relationships are not well understood. The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), for example states that “impacts, such as loss of… cultural heritage, and ecosystem services, are difficult to value and monetize, and thus they are poorly reflected in estimates of losses.” We will examine how to improve the treatment of cultural heritage in the AR6 through new collaboration among interested organizations within the framework of expanding engagement by heritage of climate issues.

Roundtable and Discussion: 16.30 – 18.30
Reception and Networking Event: 18. 30 – 19.30

Dr. David Harvey
Professor of Historical Cultural Geography, University of Exeter

Mr. Keith Jones
Environmental Adviser, National Trust Wales

Dr. Katharine J. Mach
Director, Science, IPCC Working Group II Technical Support Unit

Mr. Oliver MauriceCo-Rapporteur
Director, International National Trusts Organisation (INTO)

Ms. Anika Molesworth
Coordinator, Sustainable Farms Initiative,
International National Trusts Organisation (INTO)

Ms. Anna Sidorenko
World Heritage Centre, UNESCO

Dr. Youba Sokona
IPCC Vice Chair, Special Advisor on Sustainable Development, South Centre

Andrew Potts, JD • Moderator and Co-Rapporteur
Executive Director, US/ICOMOS

The Reception/Networking Event is designed to bring together in one place all the folks attending COP21 working at the intersection of Climate Change and Heritage.
RSVPs appreciated but not required. Direct questions or RSVPs to