ESACH TALKS! Museums & Art
In this ESACH Talk, new and young perspectives on museums and art and their contribution to cultural heritage will be explored. This includes but is not limited to:
– Museum curation
– Exhibition design
– Museum-Related Cultural Governance
– Heritage and the politics of restitution
– Decolonizing museums
– Exhibiting the intangible
– Speakers
Keynote speaker: Charlotte Rixten, Director of the Museum Villa Mondriaan, Winterswijk, Netherlands
The list of presenters will be made public once the Call for Abstracts ends. If you would like to present your work in this session, please submit an abstract through before the 12th January 2021.
Register here.
About the ESACH Talks
ESACH Talks are an interactive, fast-paced event that provides a platform for sharing knowledge amongst students and young professionals working within cultural heritage studies. To make things more interesting, each presentation lasts five minutes, and must be accompanied by a slide presentation.
Each Talk has a length of 45 minutes and includes presentations by ESACH students and young professionals, as well as some time for discussions and comments. Attendance is open to everybody, not just ESACH Members!
ESACH Talks! will now be followed with breakout room discussions! Participation is optional, but it is easy to join – just stay on the Zoom event at the conclusion of the Talks. The discussions will last for up to 30 minutes and will include an opportunity for participants to network and share ideas, experiences, and questions related to the presentations and topic of the month in smaller groups.
To find out more about ESACH, visit