Europa Nostra will join the CHARTER Alliance Paris Conference

The CHARTER Paris Conference will take place on 19 March 2024 at the Institut National du Patrimoine (National Heritage Institute) in Paris, France.

Cultural Heritage Actions to Refine Training, Education and Roles (CHARTER) is a consortium of 47 partners of the European cultural heritage sector. The aim of the Alliance is to create a strategy to guarantee that Europe has the necessary cultural heritage skills to support sustainable societies and economies, including transversal competences such as digital/technological and green/blue economy skills.

The CHARTER Paris Conference will present the main thematic axes identified by the Alliance through its analysis of educational, training and professional systems in the cultural heritage sector. Invited stakeholders will be able to discuss these topics and share their feedback.

This Conference will act as a great contribution to the CHARTER Alliance final project; the creation of a comprehensive and sustainable cultural heritage skills strategy with specific policy recommendations. The ultimate goal of this project is to to bridge the gap between education and occupational cultural heritage systems.

As an Associate Member of the CHARTER Alliance, Europa Nostra and its members are invited to join the Paris Conference.

Find out more

CHARTER Alliance Paris Conference
CHARTER Alliance


CHARTER website