IMPACTOUR ReDiscover Europe Workshop
Under the auspices of the Portuguese Government, and with full collaboration with the Slovenian Government, H2020 IMPACTOUR Project is announcing the ReDiscover Europe Workshop, providing an unique opportunity to discuss the role of sustainable Cultural Tourism in today’s Europe in a post-COVID era. The workshop will be held on 9 May at 10:00 – 17:00 CET.
The ReDiscover Europe Workshop will provide an unique opportunity to discuss the role of sustainable Cultural Tourism in today’s Europe. Besides important keynote presentations the workshop will hold three key panel debates (with catalyst viewpoints from policy makers, scientific researchers, industry and cultural tourism practitioners):
Theme 1: Post-COVID cultural tourism – what have we learned, what might we do differently, an opportunity for Big / SMART Data?
Theme 2: People – accessibility, inclusion / exclusion, market needs
Theme 3: Technology – digital gateways, mobile interactive content / co-curation, dynamic modelling and tourism management
Europa Nostra is a partner of the IMPACTOUR project and will actively contribute to the workshop.
The workshop will be online, free of charge with mandatory registration.