International and transdisciplinary colloquium “De la musique avant toute chose / Music before all else”
The European Music Centre is pleased to invite you to the international and transdisciplinary colloquium “De la musique avant toute chose / Music before all else” which will take place on Saturday 14 November at the Maison de l’Europe in Paris, both live and with online streaming.
Breaking down academic frontiers, the CEM’s multilingual colloquium will gather eleven members of the Scientific Council with very diverse backgrounds – neurosciences, psychology, musicology, philosophy, astrophysics, history and more – who will explore, from their authoritative viewpoints, musical as a primary, central and original phenomenon.
The colloquium will be opened by Ms Teresa Berganza, a leading personality among singers of the 20th century and founding member of the CEM, Mr Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs and Mr Jorge Chaminé, musician inspired by wide horizons and founding president of the CEM and Prof. Orlando Figes, author of “The Europeans”, the major published study dedicated to Pauline and Louis Viardot as well as Ivan Turgeniev. It will be concluded by Mr Sébastien Maillard, director of the Institut Jacques DELORS, Ms Sneska Quaedvlieg-Mihailovic, Secretary General of Europa Nostra and Ms Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Culture and Youth.
In the framework of a uniquely rich artistic and cultural heritage – comprising Georges Bizet, Pauline Viardot, Ivan Turgeniev, the Impressionist school among others – this colloquium also aims to revive this unique European microcosm of the 19th century with a view to revitalising the current European identity, towards the future.
Ludwig van Beethoven’s call still resonates today: “Let us change tone! “
Discover the programme of the colloquium here and register your attendance on Zoom here.