Join us on 8 March 2023 for the virtual event #Women4Heritage – Solidarity with Ukraine
On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, Europa Nostra is pleased to reconvene our growing and dynamic #Women4Heritage network on 8 March 2023 from 16:00 to 18:00 CET. The 2023 edition of the #Women4Heritage virtual event will pay tribute to and support our female colleagues from Ukraine, who have faced the brutal invasion of their country and courageously helped to defend and preserve the endangered cultural heritage in Ukraine.

Europa Nostra invites female heritage enthusiasts, practitioners, innovators and leaders of all ages and countries to join the #Women4Heritage virtual event for an inspiring exchange on how we can together better support our fellows in Ukraine and reinforce our sense of sorority and solidarity. Of course, our male colleagues are more than welcome as well!
The virtual event will feature moving testimonies by and exchanges with heritage stakeholders from Ukraine and will encourage the participants to share their experiences and concerns in the spirit of solidarity and sorority of our #Women4Heritage network.
This virtual event is free-of-charge but registration is compulsory. Due to limited capacity, we kindly ask you to register as soon as possible to secure your spot. You are welcome to extend this invitation to your female colleagues who are committed to the protection, promotion and enhancement of cultural and natural heritage in Europe and beyond.
We hope to see many of you virtually on 8 March to celebrate and champion together the transformational power of our #Women4Heritage movement. In the meantime, we invite you to join our dedicated LinkedIn group and already meet and exchange with the extraordinary women of our network!
Since its launch, Europa Nostra hosted two #Women4Heritage virtual events, one in 2021 and one in 2022. The #Women4Heritage network and related activities are supported by the EU Creative Europe programme through Europa Nostra’s network project European Cultural Heritage Agora “Empowering Europe’s Civil Society for Heritage” (2022-2024).