NEMO’s 25th Annual Conference “Open Heart Surgery – The Value of Museum Collections”
Collections are at the heart of museums. As their core and basis, NEMO wants to take an open look at how museums operate with their collections nowadays. How do museums make their heart beat, how do they connect to other organs in the museum-body, to communities and to society?
We’ll examine this question together with museum experts from all over Europe, who will present great ideas and best practices from contemporary collecting, and discuss the political and social effect museums can have on their environment in a digital and diverse society. Explore the programme here!
For 3 days, NEMO gathers representatives from European national museum organisations, museum experts, and policy makers and stakeholders from the European cultural sector to exchange expertise, discuss, liaise and network.
NEMO is looking forward to welcoming you in Ghent in November and invites you to register for NEMO’s conference now!