Online conference “Main challenges and possible solutions for a sustainable cultural heritage management”

The online conference “Main challenges and possible solutions for a sustainable cultural heritage management” will be held on 12 May (10:00-12:15 CET). Past experiences and lessons learnt to promote a sustainable heritage management will be presented and analysed. You can register here by 6 May to follow the final conference of the ForHeritage project.



Koen Van Balen, Council Member of Europa Nostra and Director of the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation at KU Leuven, will present Cultural Heritage in Action, a peer-learning programme for local and regional policy-makers to exchange knowledge on cultural heritage, which is led by EUROCITIES with Europa Nostra, KEA, ERRIN and the Architects’ Council of Europe.

The following European projects will be presented and discussed:

ForHeritage – Excellence in heritage management in central Europe
MOMAr – Models of Management for Singular Rural Heritage
CLIC – Circular models Leveraging Investments in CH adaptive reuse
Open Heritage – Organising, Promoting and ENabling HEritage Reuse
SoPHIA – Social Platform for Holistic Impact Heritage Assessment
Cultural Heritage in Action – Sharing solutions in European cities and regions
BE.CULTOUR – Beyond CULtural TOURism

Representatives from the European Commission and the Executive Agenda EACEA, the European Investment Bank Institute, the Interreg Central Europe and Interreg Europe Programmes will contribute to the online conference.

Have a look at the conference agenda and the description of the projects.

This online conference is organised in the framework of the ForHeritage project, which promotes integrated heritage management engaging communities, mobilising funding and developing capacities for enhanced protection and management of cultural heritage assets in central Europe.