Professional Training for Guides and Guides Trainers
Interpret Europe’s mission is to serve all who use first-hand experiences to give natural and cultural heritage a deeper meaning. The charitable association includes 280 members from 40 countries and abides by the HeriQ quality standards of heritage interpretation.
One goal of Interpret Europe is professional training for people working at nature parks, museums, zoos or botanical gardens. Accordingly, Interpret Europe is offering international training courses for guides and guide trainers from 13-20 August 2016, in the Czech Republic.
The courses will be run in English by an international team of experienced trainers. They will take place in a rural Moravian karst setting which provides the venue for interpretive exercises in prehistoric caves, museums or sensitive heritage sites, such as the battlefield of Austerlitz. Participants who pass the tests and complete a supplementary homework task will become Certified Interpretive Guides or Certified Interpretive Guide Trainers.
For more information, visit their website.