Seminar ‘A European Year for Cultural Heritage: Sharing Heritage, a Common Challange’, Brussels
The Permanent Representations of Italy and Spain to the EU are holding a seminar on ‘A European Year for Cultural Heritage: sharing heritage, a common challenge’ on Wednesday, 28 October 2015 in Auderghem, Brussels. The debate will be moderated by Europa Nostra’s Secretary General Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović.
Gathering of participants
Opening remarks and welcome
Interventions by:
Bruno Favel, Chair of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape of the Council of Europe
Uwe Koch, German National Heritage Committee
Flora Van Regteren Altena, Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
Pierluigi Sacco, Professor of Cultural Economics, IULM University, Milan
Walter Zampieri, Head of Unit in the DG for Education and Culture of the European Commission
Concluding Remarks
In its Conclusions on participatory governance of cultural heritage of November 2014, the Council of the European Union called the Commission to engage with a proposal for a European Year of Cultural Heritage. This seminar aims at offering to all stakeholders in Brussels and capitals dealing with Cultural Affairs, and in particular to the EU Cultural Affairs Committee members, a special opportunity to meet and discuss informally on this proposal, with a focus on its goals, actors and possible tools.
Cultural Heritage is increasingly becoming an international and cross-cutting field of cooperation. The establishment of a European Year could offer a precious platform for fostering the European dimension of such a cooperation and to strengthen an intercultural dialogue aimed at countering radicalisms of whatever origin. It would help in raising the public awareness on how much the cultural heritage is a shared resource and a long-term asset for Europe: a key component of successful development strategies based on cultural and environmental resources, tourism and creative industries.
On 16 September 2015, in Brussels, during the first ever meeting of the European Parliament Intergroup on European tourism development, cultural heritage and the Way of St James and other cultural routes, which was co-organised by Europa Nostra, Uwe Koch of the German National Heritage Committee presented the concept note, under preparation by the Reflection Group “EU and Cultural Heritage”, on the proposed European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018, putting forward the central theme of the Year: “sharing heritage”, which “allows for everyone to discover and to join in on how to share heritage”. For more information, please click here
On 13 June 2015, at the organisation’s General Assembly in Oslo, the wide membership of Europa Nostra discussed the purpose of and main actions that could be developed during a European Year of Cultural Heritage. For more information, please click here