The protection of cultural heritage of South Caucasus | La protection du patrimoine culturel du sud Caucase
(Information and Programme follow in English)
La région qui s’étend de la Mer Noire à la Mer Caspienne et que l’on nomme communément le Sud‐Caucase recèle un patrimoine d’une grande richesse. Les lignes de partage politiques qui la fracturent soumettent les monuments, les œuvres et les documents qui y sont conservés à d’importants périls. Toutefois, l’action conjointe des États, de la société civile et des acteurs internationaux peut dessiner des pistes d’actions concrètes.
Le 15 avril 2021, la journée d’études organisée par l’Institut National du Patrimoine en partenariat avec Europa Nostra et l’Ecole du Louvre, aura comme objectif de mieux saisir les enjeux de la conservation du patrimoine dans la région. Elle reviendra sur les questions posées par la préservation de plusieurs types de patrimoine : architectural, archéologique, mobilier. Les trois États de la région (Arménie, Azerbaïdjan, Géorgie) sont invités à y présenter leurs politiques publiques en matière de patrimoine. Une attention particulière sera accordée à la question du Karabagh et la journée se conclura par des exemples concrets de conservation du patrimoine.
Rassemblant des universitaires et des professionnels du patrimoine européens, russes et originaires du Sud Caucase, cette journée sera traduite en anglais et en russe.
Vous trouverez tous les détails du programme ainsi que l’inscription à la journée sur le site internet dédié.
The region that extends from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea referred to as the South Caucasus holds a great richness of heritage. The lines of political sharing that fracture it put the monuments, artworks and the documents which are kept there to great peril. However, the joint action of the States, of the civil society and international stakeholders can draw concrete courses of action.
On 15th of April 2021, the study day organised by the Institut National du Patrimoine in partnership with Europa Nostra and the Ecole du Louvre will aim to have a better understanding of the challenges of heritage conservation in the region. This study day will raise questions about the preservation of several types of heritage: architectural, archaeological, furniture. The three states of the region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) are invited to present their public policy in terms of heritage. A particular attention will be granted to the question of Karabagh and the day will be concluded by concrete examples of heritage conservation.
Gathering academics and heritage professionals from Europe, Russia and South Caucasus, this study day will be interpreted into English, French and Russian.
Please find here the dedicated website to register.
9:00 – Opening – Jean François Hébert, directeur général des patrimoines et de l’architecture, Ministry of Culture (subjected to approval)
I. History and heritage analysis of South Caucasus
9:30 – Introductory convention – The historical stakes and heritage issue of South Caucasus – Jean- Pierre Mahé, member of the Institute
10:00 – History of heritage conservation policies in the South Caucasus region, before and after 1991 – Mikhaïl Piotrovski, Ermitage museum director
10:30 – Architectural heritage of South Caucasus – Patrick Donabédian, researcher at the Medieval and Modern Archaeology laboratory in the Mediterranean (La3M), Aix-Marseille university
11:00 – Round-table debate: Analysis and current issues about monumental, archaeological and furniture heritage
Hosted by Christian Hottin, director of studies of curator department, Inp:
Caucasus architectural heritage as a witness of the cross-cultural communication, Armen Kazarian, director of the Research Institute of Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning, Moscow
Furniture objects / sacred heritage: (subjected to approval)
Archaeology: Stéphane Deschamps, heritage curator, Ministry of culture
12:00 – Debates
12:30 Break
II. Safeguard actions in progress and to come, dialogue around good practice
14:00 – Current safeguard policies – cross-over intervention by representatives of the Ministries of Cultural Affairs of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
14h45 – Monuments in conflict zone. Identity, protection and professional experience – Hamlet Petrosyan, archéologue
15:05 – Armenian heritage inventory – Yves Ubelmann, ICONEM, Sipana Tchakerian PhD Candidate Labex RESMED, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne university / Aix-Marseille, and Marie Lou Papazyan, TUMO foundation
15:35 – round-table debate: Cooperation and good practice
Hosted by Gaiane Casnati, Europa Nostra (subjected to approval):
Armenian heritage: save History– Keram Kevonian, president of Terre et Culture
Safeguarding Georgian cultural heritage – Maja Kominko, scientific director of ALIPH
Safeguarding of heritage after a conflict, instrument for peace – UNESCO
The restoration of the murals of the Saint-Jean church in Meghri, in the south of Armenia, Méliné Miguirditchian, heritage restorer, INP graduate and History of Art PhD Candidate, and Aram Gazarian, vice-president of Terre et Culture
17:00 – Debates
17:30 – Conclusion – Charles Personnaz, INP director