Final report “Culture for cities and regions” presented

The final report “Culture for Cities and Regions”, an EU-funded initiative managed by European Heritage Alliance 3.3 member EUROCITIES and their partner KEA European Affairs, was presented on 25 October in De Bijloke in Ghent, Belgium, in the presence of Walter Zampieri, Head of Unit in the DG for Education and Culture of the European Commission. It was the wrap-up of three years of exchanging successful practices in cities and regions in the field of culture and cultural heritage. Just as the report Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe, this newest report demonstrates how important culture and cultural heritage are as key elements for local and regional development.

2017 Culture for Cities and Regions Event in Ghent, Belgium

Under the guidance of a team of external experts, the report “Culture for Cities and Regions” presents concrete examples of how cities and regions tackle current cultural challenges which include innovative local support to creative entrepreneurship; Bringing culture to neighbourhoods; New creative uses for heritage spaces; and Local innovative financing schemes for culture.

Please check out the many inspiring examples of successful initiatives which were part of the project and be inspired at

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