Grand Prix Laureates and Public Choice Award winner give interviews

The seven Grand Prix laureates and the Public Choice Award winner of the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards 2016 share their expectations, impressions and emotions of receiving the top heritage award in Europe in short video interviews held after the European Heritage Awards Ceremony on the evening of 24 May 2016 at the Zarzuela Theatre in Madrid. The interviews were conducted by Europa Nostra.

European Heritage Awards Ceremony 2016 in Madrid
The sequence of interviews follows the order of the presentation of the Awards during the ceremony, namely:

Grand Prix in the category Dedicated Service
Employees and Activists of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo, BiH
Mirsad Sijarić, Director, The National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Aida Kalender, Director, AKCIJA Sarajevo

Grand Prix in the category Conservation
The King’s Little Pathway in El Chorro gorge, Malaga, SPAIN
Elías Bendodo Benasayag, President, Diputación Provincial de Málaga

Grand Prix winner in the category Dedicated Service
Mrs. Giulia Maria Crespi, Milan, ITALY
Federico Guasti, Council Member of FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano, representing Mrs. Giulia Maria Crespi

Grand Prix in the category Research
Conservation study of the village Gostuša in Pirot district, SERBIA
Elena Vasić Petrović, Director, Institute for Cultural Heritage Preservation Niš

Grand Prix in the category Conservation
Wimpole Hall’s Gothic Tower in Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, UK
David Adshead, Head Curator, The National Trust for England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Grand Prix in the category Education, Training and Awareness Raising
‘Adopt a Monument’, Tampere, FINLAND
Toimi Jaatine, General Manager, City of Tampere

Grand Prix in the category Conservation
Traditional Watermill in Agios Germanos, Prespes, GREECE
Aggeliki Georganta, Architect

Public Choice Award winner
The King’s Little Pathway in El Chorro gorge, Malaga, SPAIN
Elías Bendodo Benasayag, President, Diputación Provincial de Málaga

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