Statement on the Election of the European Parliament’s CULT Committee Chair
Joint statement by Europa Nostra, European Cultural Foundation and Culture Action Europe
In order to foster the intrinsic value of culture for the future of Europe’s democracy and society, and also to unleash culture’s potential to inspire and build peace and security; to combat inequality and divisive populism; to enhance social cohesion and inclusion; to enrich sustainable development of our urban and rural communities as well as to promote an effective climate action and human-centric new technologies, the role of culture must be elevated on the political agenda and in the public sphere.
Therefore, we, the Cultural Deal for Europe partners, urge that culture be given the highest priority by the European Union Institutions, including the European Parliament. This should be duly and strongly demonstrated with the election of an adequate pro-European Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education (CULT).
In the past, the CULT Committee of the European Parliament has pushed forward crucial topics and policies for the cultural and creative sectors and industries, including heritage, such as the Creative Europe Programme and the working conditions of artists and cultural and creative professionals. It has also spearheaded files on Erasmus+, the European Solidarity Corps, and the European Media Freedom Act, which are crucial for the development of democracy and civil society in Europe. It has championed the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018 and last but not least, it has played a crucial role in highlighting the role of culture and cultural heritage in EU’s external relations, the enlargement agenda, and especially within the framework of the present support to Ukraine and its post-war recovery.
Today, it is imperative that the CULT Committee build on these achievements and continue to shape and foster cultural policies based on values of inclusion, solidarity, pluralism, liberalism, transnationalism, diversity and intercultural dialogue, respect for the rule of law and human rights. It is now more important than ever that the CULT Committee through its Chair, Vice-Chairs and Rapporteurs represents and upholds these values and stands for a vibrant and resilient cultural sector in Europe.
In light of the above, we, the Cultural Deal for Europe partners, call upon the European Parliament – particularly the Conference of Presidents and the future members of the CULT Committee – to ensure that the appointment of the Chair, Vice-Chairs and members of the CULT Committee is made with great care. A big responsibility rests with the European Parliament to champion culture as a crucial pillar in the necessary transformation of Europe towards a sustainable and peaceful future.
The next CULT Committee, working closely with other European Parliament’s standing committees, should be fully empowered to further build on the consistent progress achieved in recent years. We wish to recall that the European Parliament and the European Commission have a mandate given by Europe’s citizens and that we have the duty to defend and enhance European values and the unity in diversity which is at the core of the European project. It is essential that the EU’s policies, including the policy on culture, education and youth, reflect and uphold these values and continue to build on the immense achievements we have collectively made so far and of which we should be proud.
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