Welcome Reception of the European Cultural Heritage Summit in Prague  

On the occasion of the European Cultural Heritage Summit 2022 in Prague, a Welcome Reception was hosted on 26 September at the Residence of the Mayor of Prague. In an genuine atmosphere of cooperation and solidarity, the reception was an opportunity for Summit participants to network and exchange with their peers from across Europe, including many heritage professionals from Ukraine.

WeWelcome Reception Prague 2022

Petr Svoboda, Chair of Europa Nostra Czech Republic, recalled the Summit partners and supporters who have made the event possible, including the European Commission, the Czech Ministry of Culture and the City of Prague. He also mentioned the heritage venues hosting the main events of the Summit, namely the Czech Museum of Music, the Neo-Renaissance Žofín Palace and the stunning State Opera.

WelcomeReception Prague 2022

Ondřej Chrást, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic, greeted the participants on behalf of Minister Martin Baxa, who is also acting as Chair of the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Welcome Reception Prague 2022

Guy Clausse, Executive Vice-President of Europa Nostra, and Sneska Quaedvlieg-Mihailovic, Secretary General of Europa Nostra, welcomed the participants and reminded why Prague is a most symbolic setting to host the European Cultural Heritage Summit 2022: “We are back to Prague, 20 years after the last event organised by Europa Nostra in this city, when the historic centre celebrates the 30th anniversary of its inscription on the World Heritage List, and while the Czech Republic holds the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union”.

Welcome Reception Prague 2022

Representing the European Commission, Catherine Magnant, Head of Unit of Cultural Policy of the DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, emphasised that cultural heritage counts for Europe, its society, economy and environment, especially as our continent is facing multifaceted challenges. “Cultural heritage is what brings us together as Europeans. It protects us and is a spiritual shield for us,” she said.

Welcome Reception Prague 2022

Kateryna Chuyeva, Deputy Minister for Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, delivered a moving address. Looking back at the devastating effects of the war on the heritage sector in Ukraine, she stated: “It would not have been possible to survive without the cooperation and support of value-based civil society organisations like Europa Nostra”. These words touched the hearts and minds of Summit participants and set the tone of the entire European Cultural Heritage Summit which strongly promoted a Europe based on shared values such as solidarity.

Europa Nostra is most grateful to the city of Prague and its Mayor Zdeněk Hřib for welcoming the Summit delegates in such a historic Art Nouveau Building with great significance for the city.  The building is one of the best examples of artistic decor of the 20th century designed by Frantisšek Roith (1876–1942) and features some decorative artefacts from some of the most important Czech artists, such as Břetislav Benda, Karel Štipl, Vilím Amort and Helena Johnová.

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