Membership: welcome to 5 new members; the Country Representation in Czechia

During its Council meeting on 19 June in Athens, Europa Nostra extended a very special welcome to its new Associate Organisation, the Deutsches Nationalkomitee für Denkmalschutz (DNK, German Cultural Heritage Committee). Attending the meeting in Athens as an observer, DNK Head of Office Uwe Koch had the privilege to hand over their recently printed publication “Kulturerbe in Bewegung” (title in English: Cultural heritage in motion) to Europa Nostra’s Executive President Hermann Parzinger. The book captures the manifold activities undertaken during the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 in Germany and features also the European Cultural Heritage Summit which was co-hosted by Europa Nostra, DNK and the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation of which Hermann Parzinger is the President. By way of thanking Uwe Koch and the DNK for the excellent cooperation, Europa Nostra’s Executive President presented to Uwe Koch Europa Nostra’s own Heritage in Action Europe Special which is also dedicated to the European Year and its legacy. The handover could not have been better timed – as the European Cultural Heritage Summit had taken place exactly one year ago.

Board & Council of Europa Nostra Athens 2019

Besides DNK, four other organisations recently joined Europa Nostra’s wide European network.
Two new Member organisations:

Two new Associate Organisations:

During the Council meeting, Europa Nostra’s Executive President Hermann Parzinger also had the pleasure to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between Europa Nostra and the Czech Association of Castle and Manor House Owners (Asociace Majitelu Hradu a Zamku) together with the organisation’s Vice-President Petr Svoboda, who is also a Council member of Europa Nostra. The entire Council congratulated the Association for becoming Europa Nostra’s Country Representation in the Czech Republic.

Board & Council of Europa Nostra Athens 2019

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