Czech Republic
Country Representation
Czech Association of Castle and Manor House Owners
Contact: Petr Svoboda
Dlouha 36
CZ- 110 00 Praha 1
Member Organisations
- Asociace Majitelu Hradu a Zamku – Czech Association of Castle and Manor House Owners
- Cesko-lichtenstejnská spolecnost (Czech-Liechtenstein Society)
- European Association of Archaeologists
- Institut pro pamatky a kulturu – The Institute for Monuments and Culture
- Klub Za Starou Prahu – Association for Old Prague
- Nadace Obcanského Fóra – The Civic Forum Foundation
- Sdruzení Historických Sídel Cech, Moravy a Slezska – The Association of Czech, Moravian and Silesian Historical Towns and Cities
Associate Organisations