Ceremony for rehabilitation of Pavilion of Prince Miloš, Aranđelovac, Serbia

To mark the success of the rehabilitation project of the Pavilion of Prince Miloš at the Bukovička Spa in Arandjelovac in the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards 2018, a local award ceremony will take place at its premises on 4 October at 12:00. Europa Nostra will be represented by its Secretary-General Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović.

The Pavilion of Prince Miloš at the Bukovička Spa, Arandjelovac, SERBIA


The facility of the Pavilion of Prince Miloš has a historical significance that dates back to 1907. It was the first building constructed with reinforced concrete in the country of Serbia and it is now under the State’s protection. It was constructed at the site of the oldest mineral water spring in the Bukovička Spa Park in Aranđelovac.

As time went by, the facility was damaged. The Bukovička Spa Hospital, the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Serbia, the Municipality of Aranđelovac and Knjaz Miloš company joined forces to both organise and finance the reconstruction of the facility. In accordance with the instructions by the Institute for the protection of cultural monuments from Kragujevac, this exceptional building was returned to its historical beauty in 2016.

The rehabilitation of the Pavilion of Prince Miloš received an Award at the European Heritage Awards Ceremony, held in Berlin on 22 June, during the European Cultural Heritage Summit. In addition, two other projects from the Republic of Serbia were honoured. In category Conservation, the restoration of the Bač Fortress received a Grand Prix, and in category Research, the Research and Cataloguing of the State Art Collection in Belgrade was recognised.

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