Europa Nostra welcomes the CulturEU online guide on EU funding released by the European Commission

On 29 November, the European Commission launched a new interactive guide mapping all funding opportunities available at EU level for the cultural and creative sectors, including cultural heritage. CulturEU, a one-stop shop for EU funding, gathers a total of 75 funding opportunities from 21 different EU programmes, from Creative Europe and Horizon Europe to structural funds and InvestEU. In just a few clicks, the interactive online tool can direct any European culture, heritage and creative actor to the most appropriate EU financial support available. Europa Nostra welcomes this timely and relevant online guide on EU funding, in particular at a time when the broader cultural sector has been severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and needs, more than ever, to benefit from the funding opportunities made available by the European Union. Europa Nostra congratulates the European Commission DG EAC team and Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, for this achievement.

© European Commission

As an effort to contribute to this challenge, Europa Nostra issued in October 2020, a paper entitled “COVID-19 & BEYOND: Challenges and Opportunities for Cultural Heritage”, which listed the existing EU instruments and funding programmes which can be accessed by the heritage sector.

CulturEU is a most welcome development to facilitate cultural, heritage and creative sectors to navigate the complex EU funding landscape, to understand which opportunities are available to them, and, ultimately, help them to access EU funding more easily. Culture, heritage and creative actors can automatically filter relevant funding opportunities based on their needs, their sector and the type of organisation they represent. “Cultural heritage”, “NGOs” and “civil society organisations” are included among these filters. The online tool is supplemented by inspiring examples and best practices.

In an official press release, the European Commission has informed that CulturEU will be regularly updated with the most recent information on new calls coming out, and will be available in all EU languages in early 2022.

Europa Nostra is committed to widely disseminating this useful tool among its wide pan-European network of members and partners to ensure the widest possible use and contribute, ultimately, to the much-needed capacity building of the sector in accessing and applying to relevant EU funds.

For more Information
CulturEU funding guide

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