European Heritage Alliance 3:3 New Phase

The European Heritage Alliance held its plenary autumn meeting on 22 October to take stock of the latest developments in the field of cultural heritage in Europe and discuss the best ways to continue implementing an integrated approach to heritage at local, regional and European levels. Following an open and informal exchange of views with Walter Zampieri, Head of Unit for Cultural Diversity and Innovation at the Education and Culture Directorate General of the European Commission, which underlined once again the importance of this structured dialogue between the Alliance and the Commission, the representatives of the 17 Networks present at the meeting renewed their commitment to disseminate further the outcomes of the ‘Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe’ project, concluding a two-year research supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union, and to enhance the impact of the key findings by translating these using local examples put forward through the activities of their associations.

Another important issue discussed during the meeting was the proposal to organise in establishment of 2018 a as the European Year of Cultural Heritage. Although a formal decision has not yet been taken by the European Commission as regards to this Year, the European Heritage Alliance considers such a Year would provide an unprecedented opportunity to raise awareness about the multi-faceted benefits heritage brings to the economy, society, culture and environment through the organisation of a series of events, seminars and new initiatives open to the public, targeting particularly the younger generation. Through such a Year, the Alliance also wishes to underline the very special and vulnerable character of heritage as a non-renewable resource. This is why special efforts will also be dedicated to initiatives aimed at protecting our heritage both within and outside of Europe.

The Alliance also welcomed the recently adopted Resolution ‘Towards an integrated approach to culture heritage for Europe’ by the European Parliament and discussed a range of other important issues such as the Structural Funds, the copyright reform and its implications for heritage the new Calls published by the Research and Innovation Directorate General of the European Commission.

Until the next meeting of the Alliance in spring 2016, members committed themselves to take the lead on various issues of common concern (such as climate change and environmental policy, copyright reform and digitisation, SMEs and restoration qualifications, etc.) and to prepare a common agenda for strategic action.

Visit the renewed blog for more information on the activities, role and membership of Alliance.

Relevant coming events:
– the 2015 Edition of the Exponatec, the International Trade Fair for Museums, Conservation and Heritage in Cologne from 18 to 20 November 2015;
– the 2015 Edition of the European Culture Forum on 26-27 November in Brussels. This is the biennial flagship event organised by the European Commission, aimed at raising the profile of European cultural cooperation, uniting the sector’s key players, taking stock of the European Agenda for Culture‘s implementation, and sparking debate on EU culture policy and initiatives – CANCELLED;
– the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21/CMP11), otherwise known as “Paris 2015”, from 30 November to 11 December.

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