Bucharest Map

Get around

Bucharest has a lot of traffic, so please consider this when calculating your itinerary to the various venues.
By Foot
Most of the venues of the European Cultural Heritage Summit are close to each other and can easily be reached by walking.
By Taxi
Most local taxis do not accept cards, it is therefore advisable to withdraw some local currency at the airport, where you can also find yellow automatic machines in various languages to reserve taxis to the city centre.
Bolt and Uber operate in Bucharest. Make sure you have the app downloaded on your phone with a working credit card associated to your account before travelling.
From the Airport
There is a bus connecting Bucharest Otopeni airport to the city centre. Here is the link to route of line 100: https://info.stbsa.ro/traseu/887
The official links are: stb.ro and metrorex.ro


Please note that Europa Nostra is not responsible and will not assist with booking or cancellation of accommodation.
A limited number of rooms was pre-booked for Summit delegates in the following hotels:
The Marmorosch Hotel Bucharest
The InterContinental Athénée Palace Bucharest
The Moxy Hotel Bucharest

European Cultural Heritage Summit

Bucharest, 6-8 October 2024
