European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018

The European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH) 2018 is a unique occasion to discover the richness of our shared heritage and to strengthen a sense of European identity.

Europa Nostra wishes to actively engage its members, associates and supporters as well as citizens from all over Europe to make this Year a true success! Read on and find out what is happening during the Year and how you can get involved!

Check our latest news and CALENDAR with a selection of key events with a European dimension organised by Europa Nostra, our members and our European partners.

What is happening at European level?

The European Commission is working on the implementation of the European Year of Cultural Heritage together with a Stakeholder Committee, composed of 36 selected organisations, including Europa Nostra and members of the European Heritage Alliance, and also with national coordinators appointed by each Member State of the European Union.

The European Commission launched a communication campaign for the Year, including a slogan ‘Our Heritage. Where the past meets the future’, a logo, in all EU languages, and the hashtag #EuropeForCulture.

The Year will be launched officially at the European Culture Forum in Milan on 7-8 December 2017 and key initiatives presented. On this occasion, a website dedicated to the Year in all EU languages will be launched.

How to receive the label?

European initiatives and projects can receive the label of the EYCH 2018 (the right to use the logo and the slogan). As selected member of the Stakeholder Committee, Europa Nostra can award the label to cross-border initiatives of its members. For events at national, regional or local level, the organisers have to contact the national coordinators to obtain the label.

More info about the label and how to apply here
More info about the EYCH: European Commission website

What are Europa Nostra’s core activities and events?

All of Europa Nostra’s activities in the coming months will contribute to the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.

European Cultural Heritage Summit on 18-24 June 2018 in Berlin

This Summit, with the motto “Sharing Heritage – Sharing Values” is one of the key public events of the European Year of Cultural Heritage and will be supported by the EU’s Creative Europe programme. The Summit will engage and mobilise a wide range of stakeholders for an ambitious European Cultural Heritage Agenda.

The core events are organised by Europa Nostra, the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (SPK) and the German Cultural Heritage Committee (DNK), as co-hosts of the Summit, on 21-22 June. Side events will be organised by European and German partner organisations on 18-20 June and/or 23-24 June.

  • Save the dates now and contribute to the Summit in Berlin!


Special edition of the European Heritage Awards

For the 2018 edition of the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards, the juries will give special attention to the European dimension of the projects. The winners of the Awards 2018 will be announced in April.

  • Promote the winners of the Awards 2018 in your country
  • Celebrate the winners with us at the European Heritage Awards Ceremony on 22 June in Berlin
  • Join the celebrations in your country for the local award ceremonies that will take place from June to December throughout Europe


5th Anniversary of the 7 Most Endangered programme

The 7 Most Endangered programme is celebrating its 5th anniversary in 2018. On this occasion, a Conference will be organised in partnership with the European Investment Bank Institute and local partners (date and location to be confirmed).

The European heritage sites shortlisted for the 7 Most Endangered programme 2018 will be announced in January and the final list will be made public in mid-March 2018.

  • Join the campaign to save the most endangered heritage sites in Europe in 2018

In addition to this, Europa Nostra is working on a wide of range of activities and cooperating with diverse partners to contribute to the European Year.


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