International Conference “Safeguarding cultural heritage from natural and man-made disasters”

Organised by Danube University Krems, an Associated Organisation of Europa Nostra, in the framework of Interreg Central Europe ProteCHt2save and Contract EAC-2016-0248.

The main objective of this event is to present an overview on the progress of current relevant European studies and initiatives on Cultural Heritage Risk Management. It also aims to increase the awareness, need and requirement of stakeholders and policy makers who are involved in disaster risk reduction processes to become more integrated in their overall approach and ameliorating intentions.

Disasters and catastrophes greatly impact on the future wellbeing of our heritage assets, with each incident diminishing their cultural significance, historic, physical and artistic value to some degree or other. Such events also pose a significant threat to the safety of occupant and users and, inevitably, directly and adversely affect the livelihood of local communities.

Research outcomes and policy actions should be better integrated to enhance the capacity of the public and private sectors to mitigate against the combined impact of climate change, and manmade and natural hazards on cultural heritage sites, structures and artefacts. A call is made to adopt a comprehensive transnational approach to implement national, regional and local strategies through tailored and feasible preparedness measures, including evacuation, in the event of emergencies occurring.

Programme and registration HERE.