Members of European Heritage Alliance 3.3 contribute to preparing new European Agenda for Culture

In light of “preparing the new European Agenda for Culture” in time for the European Parliament elections in 2019, a broad selection of cultural stakeholders came together upon invitation from the European Commission for a consultation meeting in Brussels on 19 February 2018. The objective was to discuss options for advancing the European Agenda for Culture, which dates from 2007, and to review the work thus far, including the structured dialogue with cultural stakeholders and policy cooperation with the EU Member States. 11 members of the European Heritage Alliance 3.3, including Europa Nostra, which was represented by Vice-President Piet Jaspaert, contributed to this consultation meeting.

In the morning session, participants exchanged views and provided input on the policy framework, the European added value and the working methods to the European Commission. The afternoon session provided an opportunity for stakeholders to share their views on key actors, strengthening policy-programme links and sector-specific work/themes. This was followed by a tour de table during which all participants highlighted their single top priority in the presence of European Commissioner for Culture Tibor Navracsics, who responded to suggestions and reflected on the political context.

Around 50 different cultural organisations and institutions presented their views to the representatives from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture and to the members of the Cabinet of Commissioner Navracsics present. Among them were also 11 members of the European Heritage Alliance 3.3 – Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE), European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers’ Organisations (E.C.C.O.), European Museum Forum (EMF), ENCATC, Europeana, European Historic Houses Association, ICOMOS, ICOM, Interpret Europe, NEMO and Europa Nostra) – as well as Europa Nostra member European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations.

With a view to making the consultation transparent, the entire meeting was webstreamed (recording available here) and an online survey was launched after the meeting for all stakeholders – whether present or not – to provide their written feedback by the deadline of 5 March 2018.

Background information

The European Agenda for Culture was adopted in 2007 (read related resolution of the Council of the European Union of 16 November 2007), providing a strategic framework for developing cooperation in the cultural field and increasing the coherence and visibility of European action. At the time, three strategic objectives were defined: promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue; promotion of culture as a catalyst for creativity in the framework of the Lisbon Strategy for growth, employment, innovation and competitiveness; and promotion of culture as a vital element in the Union’s international relations.

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