
Country Representation

Europa Nostra Sweden

Europa Nostra Sweden
Mrs. Tina Wik, President
Europa Nostra Council Member
Götgatan 69
SE-116 21 Stockholm
T. +46 8 640 41 61
F. +46 8 642 92 91
E. info@europanostra.se
E. tina@tinawikarkitekter.se

Member Organisations

  1. European Federation of Museum & Tourist Railways (FEDECRAIL)
  2. Gunnebo Slott och Trädgårdar – Gunnebo House and Gardens
  3. Malmö Förskönings- och Planteringsförening – The Society for Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Green Parks in Malmö
  4. Svenska Byggnadsvardsforeningen – The Swedish Association for Architectural Heritage Preservation
  5. Svenska Industriminnesföreningen (SIM) – Swedish Industrial Heritage Association
  6. Sveriges Hembygdsförbund – The Swedish Local Heritage Federation

Associate Organisations

  1. Göteborgs Universitet, Institutionen for Kulturvård – University of Gothenburg, Department of Conservation

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