Turkish edition of Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe published

The Turkish edition of the Executive Summary of the ‘Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe’ (CHCFE) Report was released at the beginning of January. This edition was produced thanks to the support of Europa Nostra Turkey and translated by B. Nilgün Öz. The Executive Summary is now available in 13 languages (Dutch, English, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian).

The ‘Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe’ Report, with its Executive Summary & Strategic Recommendations, demonstrates the multiple benefits of heritage for Europe’s economy, society, culture and environment. This comprehensive Report has been widely recognised as a key study on the impact of cultural heritage, including during the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018.

The CHCFE cooperation project was a two-year project funded by the EU Culture programme (2007-2013). It was coordinated by Europa Nostra through a Steering Group composed of all project partners: ENCATC (The European Network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education), Heritage Europe (The European Association of Historic Towns and Regions), The Heritage Alliance from England (UK), as well as The International Cultural Centre, Krakow (Poland) and The Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation at KULeuven (Belgium), who were responsible for conducting the EU-wide survey and analysis of existing research and case studies on the impact of cultural heritage.

The final results of the CHCFE project were presented in June 2015 in Oslo, Norway, during the European Heritage Congress organised by Europa Nostra.

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