2023 Summit Flashback Newsletter 

2023 Summit Programme Booklet (PDF)



Wednesday 27 September

For Creative Europe Networks Members
09:00 – 13.00
Creative Europe Networks – Focus Meeting #2Photos
“Heritage for the Future: European values, citizenship and sense of belonging through cultural heritage

Venue: Giardini Reali di Venezia, San Marco, 30124 Venice
Programme Booklet

For all registered participants
13.20: Departure of Vaporetto from Riva degli Schiavoni Cornoldi to Fondazione Giorgio Cini

14.00 – 19.00
Excellence Day – Presentations by the Award Winners 2023Photos
Venue: Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Sala degli Arazzi
Programme Booklet


Thursday 28 September

09.00 – 09.45
Ceremony for the Royal Gardens of Venice | Photos
Venue: Giardini Reali di Venezia, San Marco, 30124 Venice

10.00 – 14.00
European Heritage Hub Community of Practice ForumPhotos
“Reimagining the Anthropocene: Putting Culture and Heritage at the Heart of Climate Action”
Venue: The Home of the Human Safety Net, Piazza San Marco 128, 30124 Venice. 
Sign up here for the livestream
Programme Booklet

Note: After the event, participants are invited to visit the interactive exhibitions “A World of Potential” and “The Hungriest Eye. The Blossoming of Potential” by Arthur Duff at the Home of the Human Safety Net.

For all registered participants and invited guests
18.45: Departure of Vaporetto to Lido from Riva degli Schiavoni-Cornoldi

20.00 – 22.00
European Heritage Awards Ceremony 2023Photos
The ceremony will be followed by a festive reception.
Venue: Palazzo del Cinema, Lungomare Guglielmo Marconi, 30126 Lido of Venice
Note: You will be asked to show your ticket at the entrance. Dress code: festive
Programme Booklet (PDF)

From 23.00 to 23.30: Return of Vaporetto to Riva degli Schiavoni-Cornoldi


Friday 29 September

For all registered participants
Registration & Welcome Coffee
Venue: Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista, Campiello de la Scuola, 2454, 30125 Venezia

10.00 – 13.30
European Heritage Policy Agora | Photos
“Towards a European Cultural Citizenship: Utopia or Reality?”

Programme Booklet


For Europa Nostra members and associates
15.00 – 17.00
Europa Nostra 60th Anniversary General AssemblyPhotos

For all registered participants and invited guests
Closing Dinner Reception
Venue: Palazzo Pisani Moretta, San Polo, 2766, 30125 Venice
The dinner reception will be followed by dancing.
Note: You will be asked to show your ticket at the entrance. Dress code: festive

Saturday 30 September

For all registered participants
10.30 – 17.30
Venice Lagoon Tour

The Summit is organised in the frame of our projects European Heritage Hub, European Cultural Heritage Agora and European Heritage Awards co-funded by the European Union.


On the eve of the Summit, we are organising the Lecture “Art and Cultural Heritage in Wartime Ukraine” by our Vice-President Natalia Moussienko, in partnership with Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia and the Council of Europe Programme Office in Venice. Due to limited capacity, the participation in this event is upon invitation only.

The European Cultural Heritage Summit 2023 is organised by Europa Nostra and co-funded by the European Union. Coinciding with Europa Nostra’s 60th Anniversary, the 2023 Summit will take place between 27 and 30 September in the unique but endangered World Heritage City of Venice. The choice of Venice has a highly symbolic value. The European history and significance of this historic city, combined with its breathtaking yet fragile beauty, has always been at the very heart of the mission of Europa Nostra.

Our 60th anniversary represents the perfect occasion to celebrate the significant contribution of our organisation to a value-based and culture-driven Europe, with the focus on the preservation of cultural and natural heritage in Europe and beyond. We shall also reaffirm our unwavering commitment to champion the vital role of heritage for tackling many challenges that our society and environment are facing today.