Three Europa Nostra Medals of Honour presented at ceremony in Berlin

During the European Heritage Awards Ceremony 2018 held on 22 June in Berlin, Maestro Plácido Domingo, President of Europa Nostra, presented the Europa Nostra Medals of Honour to Denis de Kergorlay (France), outgoing Executive President, John Sell (United Kingdom), outgoing Executive Vice-President, and Alexander Fürst zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn (Germany), Vice-President of Europa Nostra.

The Medals of Honour are the highest distinction conferred by Europa Nostra to individuals who have made notable contributions to promoting the mission and raising the profile of the organisation. The Board of Europa Nostra decided to give these three Medals of Honour during their meeting held on 5 May in Canisy (France). Only a select group of 10 individuals have received the Europa Nostra Medals of Honour.

European Heritage Awards Ceremony 2018

The first Medal of Honour went to Alexander Fürst zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn, who has been a most active Vice-President of Europa Nostra. This Medal honours “his major contribution to raising the public profile and reputation of Europa Nostra through his outstanding knowledge and experience in heritage conservation, combined with his long-term commitment and loyalty to our organisation”.

European Heritage Awards Ceremony 2018

The second Medal of Honour was conferred to John Sell, who has been active in Europa Nostra for more than 20 years, and was during the last 9 years a most effective Executive Vice-President of Europa Nostra. This Medal honours “his outstanding and generous personal contribution to the development of Europa Nostra through his vast experience as conservation architect and heritage activist, combined with his unwavering and resolute conviction in European values”.

European Heritage Awards Ceremony 2018

The third Medal of Honour was awarded to Denis de Kergorlay, who has been leading Europa Nostra as Executive President for the last 9 years. This Medal honours “his inspiring leadership of Europa Nostra, his strategic vision, his diplomatic talents, his generosity and his wisdom which have contributed to a stronger unity and outreach of our European movement in favour of cultural heritage”.

In his address, Plácido Domingo thanked and congratulated the 3 recipients who made in turn a short thank you speech in front of the whole assistance and in the presence of Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Federal President of Germany, and Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport.

The following morning, the participants of the Europa Nostra General Assembly decided unanimously to appoint Denis de Kergorlay as Honorary President in recognition of his long and distinguished service at the head of Europa Nostra.

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